Transbay Transit Center and Tower

Selected Team: pelli clarke pelli, PWP landscape architecture & Hines

The Transbay Joint Powers Authority (TJPA) sponsored the international design competition to select a Design and Development Team that would create a unique, world class Transit Center and Tower whose aesthetic, functional, and technical excellence are worthy of their position as the centerpiece of the Transbay Redevelopment Area and the focus of bus and rail transit for San Francisco, the Bay Area, and the State of California. The process was conducted in two stages. In Stage I, teams submitted qualifications packages that identified a Lead Designer to design both the Transit Center and Tower, a Development Entity for the Tower, and a full team of architectural, engineering, and other design and development professionals. In Stage II, finalist teams submitted design and development proposals for the Transit Center and Tower.

National Museum of African American History and Culture

SELECTED Design TEam: the Freelon Group, Adjaye Associates, and davis brody bond, in association with smithgroup

The design competition for the National Museum of African American History and Culture was sponsored by the Smithsonian to create a building fitting of the museum’s important function and symbolism. The museum is dedicated to the study and exposition of African American history and culture, which required the building to accommodate the acquisition and preservation of objects and support scholarly research in addition to interpretation of history through public exhibitions and programs. Finalist architecture/engineering teams were selected through a qualifications stage to participate in the design competition.

Ray and Joan Kroc Corps Community Center


Design Concept by Antione Predock Architect PC

Alaska State Capitol

Selected Design Team: Morphosis

Design Concept by Morphosis